by Terrence Payne
April 8 - 25, 2022
Opening & Reception:
Saturday, April 9, 5 pm to 8 pm
In turf...
Terrence Payne explores the ways by which individuals and communities scheme and contrive to maintain their influence over others in the face of a vanishing world where they once held a comfortable seat of dominance. His drawings cut through the tangle of sincerity and carelessness embedded in the communication of identity and examine how insecurity and paranoia can lead to unintended harms in the wake of self preservation.
Payne creates vibrant archetypal portraits which probe the lines and boundaries made up of allegiances to identity and a revolution of petty grievances. The humorous and empathetic allegories resulting from Payne’s creations illustrate the broad spectrum which make up the values of faith and fellowship while maintaining a critical eye on those who would use a community’s earnest intentions against them for their own selfish aims.